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Helping Families Overcome Adversities

Youth Empowerment is a certified non-profit organization that serves the youth and their families who have been affected by domestic violence here in Kern County.

Our Mission

It is the mission of Y-Empowerment Inc. to help families who have experienced domestic violence. We strive to help families overcome their adversities and become healthy and supportive survivors through social interaction and education. It is our sole purpose to promote healthy families despite the issues that they may have endured, in a safe and empowering atmosphere

Our History

Since 2011, Y-Empowerment Inc. has come together to serve the youth of our community who have experienced domestic violence. Y-Empowerment Inc. was started by a small group of individuals who encouraged youth to come together and express themselves through playing music and learning basic music skills, while at the same time, allowing them to get away from issues that they may be facing at home.


While working with the youth that has come through Y-Empowerment Inc., we saw the need to provide more resources to them than what we were already providing. We saw that our clients would benefit from further mentoring and programs that would target the needs of the entire family.  We decided to focus on addressing the issues that families have been impacted with while promoting and encouraging families to move past their transgressions into a new life journey and break the life cycles of further victimization that many families have fallen to.

Our Future

It is our goal for 2019 to be readily available, to provide resources for families using; referrals to other agencies, educational retreats, and numerous other tools that will benefit domestic violence victims. Safety is one of the most important needs of families dealing with domestic violence issues. Y-Empowerment Inc. strives to provide families with the proper resources, education, and ministries to enable them to exercise the safest situation for them while keeping the proper confidentiality that is needed to protect all people involved.

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We believe all our youth and families can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.

Our Mission

We provide services for children who have experienced abuse, witnessed domestic violence, or have parents who are or have been incarcerated. We do this, through Youth mentoring, social interaction, education, and empowerment of themselves with our daily workshops, retreats, and camps. We are dedicated to enabling our youth to follow the walk into a safe and healthy life. To find out more about Y-Empowerment's program The Walk please click on the logo below:

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Victim Services

Y-Empowerment strives to help victims of domestic violence and/or child abuse overcome their adversities and become healthy, safe, and thriving survivors. We do this by providing an array of supportive victim services. To find out more please click on the button below and you will be taken to the services page:

We Need Your Support Today!

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