تتمثل مهمة شركة Y-Empowerment Inc. في مساعدة العائلات التي تعرضت للعنف المنزلي. نحن نسعى جاهدين لمساعدة العائلات على التغلب على محنهم ويصبحوا ناجين أصحاء وداعمين من خلال التفاعل الاجتماعي والتعليم. إن هدفنا الوحيد هو تعزيز صحة الأسرة على الرغم من المشكلات التي قد يواجهونها ، في جو آمن ومفيد
If you are needing services, please fill out a new client intake.
Please follow the link for FAQ about our supervised services.
Parenting Classes
We want to give everyone who comes through our doors the chance to better themselves to become their best for their children.
CPR & First Aid Training
Our goal with our CPR and first Aid Certification program is that all of our families have proper training in saving their families.
Victim Services
Advocacy, legal document preparation, and more.
Anger Management
“Anger is nothing more than an outward expression of hurt, fear, and frustration.”
The Walk
Please follow the link for more information about this program and all the services offered.
Sexual Abuse Prevention Training
Darkness to Light, Stewards of Children Training for local providers who work with children and training for parents and families. For more information please call 661.324.5437 or email info@yempowerment.org